My understanding about Selection sort using c++

My study of viscosity



Viscosity is the resistance of a fluid liquid or gas which changes its form or shape.Viscosity is the opposite of fluidity.Higher the viscosity more dense is the fluid because the molecules get more closer to each other.


the formula for viscosity is F = μAu/y

There are 2 types of viscosity:

Dynamic viscosity(Absolute viscosity) and Kinematic viscosity

Dynamic Viscosity - the resistance to movement of one layer of a fluid over another

Kinematic Viscosity - If we divide dynamic viscosity by the density of the fluid we get the kinematic Viscosity.We read that blender uses kinematic for different fluids.Now as while doing an experimentation on how viscosity affects the fluidity and our test subject was my project that i did 2 years back about milk being poured on a shiva lingam.Today we swapped the milk with water and then honey to see the viscosity varying and how our simulation was successful.As you can see in the video down below:

Explanation of the experimentation:

In the first case, we used water and found that the flow is very fast and smooth. Next we used honey, which has much higher viscosity and found that the flow is highly resistant on the Shiva lingam.

So lets recall what we have learned:

1. The term dynamic viscosity and kinematic viscosity and their relationship.

2.Experimentation with fluid simulation showing how fluidity is affected by viscosity.

3.For practical purposes we use kinematic viscosity as we have found in blender.

4.Formula of the viscosity is  F = μAu/y.